Skin Health and Cannabis: What’s the Connection?


Ever wonder how your skin is affected if you are a cannabis user? As we all know, there are many ways to use cannabis. The delivery methods could be either orally, via inhalation, or external application.  

This blog will explore the good and bad effects of using cannabis, specifically on the skin, based on different delivery methods...

Types of Skin

We all have different skin types. Each type of skin will have its own characteristics and require different kinds of care. Based on the balances of different factors - such as sebaceous secretion, hydration, and sensitivity, in combination with genetics, there are five different types of skin:

  1. Normal Skin – the skin has regular texture, soft appearance and does not need special care

  2. Sensitive Skin – prone to react to stimuli. Symptoms might include heat, tightness, redness, or itching.

  3. Dry Skin – skin feels tight and rough.

  4. Oily Skin – has a porous, humid, and bright appearance. Prone to pimples.

  5. Combination Skin – characteristics of both dry and oily skin.

The connection between Cannabis and Skin: The Bad

When it comes to skin health, you do not need to worry too much if you consume edibles, vape, take oil and/or apply topicals. However, smoking on the other hand has shown to have many side effects on the skin. You are probably wondering, how? Let’s explore this a bit more.


Edibles, vapes, and oil are all ingested differently – it goes through the digestive system. However, when you smoke cannabis, the heating of the leaves creates free radicals that can damage the DNA of skin cells. When weed is first inhaled the blood vessels constrict causing a decrease in blood flow, which then deprives the skin of oxygen. When the effect of weed starts to kick in, the blood vessels relax again. That initial blood constriction can be a factor in faster-aging skin, wrinkles, and acne.  

Treating Certain Skin Conditions: The Good


Cannabinoids have been shown to have many benefits on skin health. CBD topicals specifically are slowly becoming a very popular choice for all ages and genders: whether it’s for anti-aging, or UV protection or even treating certain skin conditions. Cannabinoids have been shown to reduce itching associated with dry skin and eczema, alleviate skin inflammation and damage; a new recent study has shown cannabinoids can help manage psoriasis. These are just a few examples, as there is much more anecdotal and clinical evidence that shows CBD cream, having tremendous therapeutic potential. Although preclinical evidence suggests topical application of CBD may be efficacious for some skin disorders, such as eczema, psoriasis, and inflammatory conditions, confirmed clinical efficacy and understanding of the underlying mechanisms have yet to be fully identified.

References Used:


Scientific Evidence Show a Linear Correlation between Cannabis Use and Increased Sexual Desire


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